Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Start An Internet Home Business-Why and How?
What in the world are you waiting for? Start an Internet home business today! This article may motivate you.

Close to $2 out of every $10 that went into our wallets last year came from government. This included unemployment benefits, food stamps, social security, disability payments, and more. Some states had it worse than others.

That is the past. Look at the future.

In a new report 64% of small businesses grossing under $25 million dollars a year are not going to hire new employees in the next 12 months. 12% are going to lay people off.

Unemployment is at 9.2%. If you include people that are underemployed, or that have stopped looking for work, that number is closer to 18% to 20%. Maybe even higher!

Look at the game of chicken going on today in Washington on raising the debt ceiling. I am a registered Independent for a reason. There is very little compromise between the 2 political parties.

Nothing gets done, because both the Democrats and Republicans view this as war. No one wants to give an inch. Bad news for an already bad situation. Can you say Ross Perot in 2012?

If a respected Independent were to run for President next year they just may win. Why would anyone vote for more of the same!

You can make money online in so many ways now that even people barely smarter than a 5th grader can do it. What are some of the ways to make money?

Take paid surveys, start a home business website, set up a blog, make money with affiliate programs, network marketing, email marketing, are just a few. Read "Get Rich Click" by Mark Ostrofsky to get your creative juices flowing.

Local business marketing, Internet writing, graphic design, website building, and so on, are all ways to make money providing a service. Internet marketers will pay you to do things for them. This is true because they do not have the time to do it themselves, or they do not have the knowledge to do it.

Sell stuff on eBay. Billions of dollars are transacted there. Start a mobile marketing business. This is where a lot of money is going to be made online.

Build a virtual real estate empire. If the housing market is unstable you can create very valuable real estate online. Flip websites or hold them. Find some good deals at Flippa.com.

Sell ebooks from ClickBank, or write them yourself and sell them there. Sell ebooks on Amazon as well. People are buying digital information more than hard copy books.

These are all ways you can start an Internet home business. You may as well face the facts that are staring you in the face.

Things are rapidly changing in the marketplace, and no one has a secure job. Making money online is being done by millions of people around the world and you can quickly join them.
Author:- Jeff Schuman

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